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Bingo Game

Bingo Board

Bingo Card

Boost Your Brain Power with Bingo

In order to retain and improve our mental health and brain dexterity, we should all be looking at ways to exercise those little grey cells. We have all tried Sudoku, chess, crosswords and scrabble, and perhaps some of you have even had a go with one of those brain training programs. However, not many people have thought of good old bingo as a way to exercise their brain.

Click on the matching number of the Bingo Card when each number is called in order to mark the number. Click on the Announce BINGO! button when you complete a horizontal, vertical or corner diagonal. The last number called must be the last number that you marked to achieve BINGO!

Playing BINGO can help you to retain and improve your mental health and manual dexterity. Bingo requires concentration and good reaction. This leads to increased mental speed, better concentration and memory, as well as a greater ability to interpret signals from the environment.

When the game starts, the numbers are called at random. If the number is present on the Bingo Card, you should mark it by clicking on the square with the called number. The center of the Bingo Card is an empty space that counts as a number that has been marked. Announce BINGO! when a number is called that completes a row, column or diagonal where all the numbers have been marked. If you do not Announce BINGO! before the next number is called, you forfeit the win. There are twelve ways of winning: 5 horizontal rows, 5 vertical columns, and 2 diagonals.

Different bingo games require different brain skills. The patterns that players look for in some bingo games, such as in 75 ball bingo, work the brain as it has to keep track of horizontal, vertical and diagonal alignments of numbers. Spatial awareness is greatly improved by such a task.

However, bingo is certainly not only attractive and beneficial to the older generation. Bingo has reached new levels of popularity with young people in recent years, especially with the huge number of online bingo sites opening every year.

Bingo not only stimulates the mathematical brain center and improves general mental capacity, it also works on the language centers of the brain and the social intelligence areas due to the interactive nature of playing bingo. Bingo is a very sociable game and many people strike up great friendships over the bingo tables, whether they are playing in a bingo hall or chatting to fellow gamers in an online bingo room.

Although bingo is great for exercising the brain and improving the memory, it isn't just your mental health that gets a workout from a session at the bingo tables. Playing bingo takes your mind off other areas of life as you concentrate on the game, distracting you and relieving stress. This is excellent news for the immune system, the blood pressure and the heart.

Many people think that sitting down either in a bingo hall or at a computer screen would be bad for your health, or at least not beneficial, as it involves no physical exercise. However, the game of bingo is far from a passive activity. Bingo is a great way to improve mental and physical health and have fun at the same time!

© Copyright  - Antonio Zamora