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Smithsonian National Museum of the
American Indian Washington, D.C.

The National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall has exhibits about the life, arts, languages, and history of Native Americans.

American Indian Museum

The American Indian museum was established by an Act of Congress in 1989 and opened on September 21, 2004 under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. The five-story museum has a sinuous exterior facade of golden-colored Kasota limestone reminiscent of wind-worn natural rock formations.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Rainbow projections in the Indian Museum

The term American Indian encompasses Native Americans from North, South, and Central America. The cultures include the Incas from Peru, the Mayas from Central America, the Aztecs, Olmecs, Chichimecs, and Teotihuacanos from Mexico, and the Apache, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Comanche, Dakota, Navaho, Seminoles, and many other tribes of the northern territories in the United States and Canada.

The rotunda in the interior courtyard of the museum is called the Potomac, and it is separated from the entrance corridors by an elaborate fence of hammered copper plates and copper tubing interwoven with the supporting poles. Widows fitted with prisms project rainbows on the walls when the sun shines. The Potomac area is used to display large items such as kayaks, and for demonstrating native dances and crafts. The galleries contain information about the diverse native cultures with four permanent exhibitions:

Indian Museum   kayaks and reed boats

The Potomac   Museum exhibits

The Rasmuson theater is used for presentations of Native drama, dance, music performances, and seminars. A bronze and ceramic relief sculpture entitled For Life in all Directions by Roxanne Swentzell is featured at the entrance of the theater. The museum has a large collection of flint arrowheads and pre-Columbian artifacts.

Indian Museum theater   Pre-Columbian artifacts

The museum shop sells ceramics, jewelry, and other crafts made by Native Americans. The Mitsitam Cafe serves indigenous dishes based on native American cultures. Food from the great plains includes buffalo burgers, whereas the food from the north-west features salmon. There are also South American Indian dishes with beans and corn.

museum shop   museum cafe

Native American Headdress
Chief Joseph Medicine Crow

On August 12, 2009, President Barack Obama presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Chief Joseph Medicine Crow wearing traditional head dress in the East Room of the White House in Washington. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the country's highest civilian honor, and it was awarded for valiant service during World War II. Joseph Medicine Crow, who is 95-years old and the oldest Crow Indian, completed the four battlefield deeds that made him the last Crow war chief. He wore war paint beneath his uniform and a sacred feather beneath his helmet during the war. The Chief's grandfather was a scout who served for General George Custer during the Battle of Little Bighorn.

Native American Tribes
Population Rankings of the 30 largest tribes in the U.S.
according to the 1990 census report (U.S. Department of Commerce)
Native American Population: 1,878,285 = 100.0%
Rank TribePopulationPercent %
2Navajo219,198 11.7%
12Canadian & Latin American22,3791.2%
15Tohono O' Odham16,0410.9%
19Alaskan Athabaskans13,7380.7%
23Puget Sound Salish10,2460.5%

Additional Information:
Located across from the U.S. Capitol on the National Mall at
Fourth Street and Independence Ave, S.W.,
Washington, DC 20560
(202) 633-1000
Open 10 AM to 5:30 PM daily. Closed December 25.
American Indian Museum web site

Search for information about Native Americans:

Sample search results:

Native American Indian Genealogy
A data base listing of The Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory, 1889-1914. Also listed are the index to ...
www.accessgenealogy.com/native/ - 26k

On This Date in North American Indian History by Phil Konstantin
This site has over 3000 American Indian historical events on a day-by-day basis; Tribal name meaning and alternative names; Indian.
www.americanindian.net/ - 38k

Recommended American Indian Websites
This list includes selected American Indian web resources useful for academic research and information purposes. (If you are doing library research, ...
www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/amer_ind.htm - 18k

American Indian Movement - AIM
official website of the American Indian Movement and its Grand Governing Council .
www.aimovement.org/ - 19k

American Indian Heritage Foundation
Relief, motivation, and resources for Native Americans. Programs, tribal directory, activism, indigenous literature. Fundraiser support and donations ...
www.indians.org/ - 89k

Main Menu: Native American Indian PlentyStuff
MainMenu to independent topic sections, 300+ web pages of Native American resource materials, original publications and organized links. Reservation/ Indian ...
www.kstrom.net/isk/mainmenu.html - 18k

American Indian College Fund
Building better lives. Revitalizing Indian communities. Replacing despair with hope. That, simply, is what the American Indian College Fund is all about.
www.collegefund.org/ - 13k

Native Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Native Americans in the United States, natives of the United States only;
equivalent to American Indians in some contexts ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans - 21k

Native Americans - American Indians - The First People of America ...
LONG BEFORE the white man set foot on American soil, the American Indians, or rather the Native Americans, had been living in America. ...
www.nativeamericans.com/ - 42k

North American Indian Tribes
North American Indian Tribes. ... The information provided here is from The Indian Tribes of North America, ... Includes the following Indian Tribes ...
www.accessgenealogy.com/native/indianlocation.htm - 93k

Browse List of Tribes
Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian: Photographic Images. Browse by Geographic Location or American Indian Tribe ...
lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/award98/ienhtml/tribes.html - 18k

American Indian Tribal List: Native American Tribes and Languages
Alphabetic listing of Native American Indian tribes of South, Central, and North America, with links to information about each Indian tribe and its native ...
www.native-languages.org/languages.htm - 62k

The Pocahontas Myth - Powhatan Renape Nation - the real story, not ...
Disney's production of Pocahontas distorts history beyond recognition, and is slap in the fact to the Powhatan tribe. Find out the true Pocahontas story, ...

Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Indians (the Powhatans) who lived in the Virginia region. ...

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