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Paul Kee Restaurant

The Paul Kee Restaurant offers Hong Kong and Cantonese cuisine at 11305 Georgia Ave, Wheaton, MD 20902. The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner.

Paul Kee exterior

The Paul Kee restaurant has a modest storefront space near the intersection of Georgia Avenue and University Boulevard, but the constant traffic of Asian customers attest to the authenticity of its cuisine.

Paul Kee restaurant interior
Paul Kee restaurant interior

The restaurant is well lit and the chairs are comfortable. A pot of hot tea is brought to your table as soon as you order.

Seafood pan-fried noodles
Seafood pan-fried noodles

The seafood pan-fried noodles have a good selection of marine animals, including shrimp, scallops, squid, crab legs and fish cake. The dish is accompanied with Chinese broccoli, sliced carrots and mushrooms served over crispy noodles.

Sliced beef with green pepper
Sliced beef with green pepper

The beef with green pepper is flavored with black bean sauce and sautéed onions. This dish is mildly flavored and not spicy.

Fried fish filets
Fried fish filets

The fried fish filets were not on the menu. One of the attributes of a good restaurant is that the chef can improvise to satisfy customer requests. The fish was battered and covered with fried scallions and jalapeño pepper slices. Very tasty!

Call the Paul Kee restaurant at (301) 933-6886. Find more information about the restaurant at its web site: www.paulkeewheaton.com

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