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I-Thai Restaurant & Bar

The I-Thai Restaurant & Bar offers food from Thailand at 8607 Westwood Center Drive, Vienna, VA 22182. The restaurant is open seven days a week for lunch and dinner.

I-Thai restaurant
I-Thai restaurant exterior

The I-Thai restaurant is located in a commercial complex that has several restaurants in the lower level and offices in the upper level.

I-Thai restaurant interior

The interior of the I-Thai restaurant has a warehouse minimalist style with an unfinished ceiling showing the air conditioning ducts and electrical wiring. A large painting of koi fish is displayed in the back interior wall. The other walls are glass windows that go from the floor to the ceiling. The heavy mahogany tables are not covered with table cloths. Rhythmic disco music plays in the background.

pad thai
Pad Thai

The Pad Thai dish consists of stir-fried rice noodles, egg, bean curd, bean sprouts and scallions with a tamarind sauce and ground peanuts. This dish is flavorful and not spicy. The restaurant also offers Drunken Noodles and eight other noodle dishes. Spicy dishes dishes are marked on the menu with one to three red chili peppers to indicate how hot they are.

green curry
Green Curry with chicken

Thai cuisine is famous for its curries which are quite different from Indian curries. Thai curries usually have coconut milk and fragrant basil or kaffir lime leaves. The Green Curry has bamboo shoots, eggplant, green beans, bell peppers and Thai basil with a green curry sauce. The curries are served with a side dish of rice.

Lamb Lover

The I-Thai restaurant features six signature dishes with grilled meats. The Lamb Lover dish consists of grilled lamb ribs covered with a spicy yellow curry paste served with mixed vegetables and a side dish of rice.

Call the I-Thai restaurant at (703) 992-7923. Find more information about the restaurant at its web site: www.i-thairestaurant.com/

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