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Add Spelling Aid to your Application

You can add spelling aid to your Microsoft Windows application by using the DICTGET components in the English Dictionary package. The package includes dictionaries called "us1.dic", "usuk.dic", and "medical.dic" and a dynamic link library (azdict.dll) that provides the interface to these dictionaries. The US1 dictionary contains United States vocabulary; the USUK dictionary combines United Kingdom and American spellings. Each of these dictionaries has approximately 101,000 words. The medical dictionary has approximately 66,000 words.

It is recommended that you install DICTGET to familiarize yourself with the lookup and spelling aid functions. After you have coded your application, you can distribute azdict.dll and one or more dictionaries with your own package. The description below makes it possible to use the dictionaries for grammatical analysis, interactive educational packages, etc. The programs and dictionaries can be used free for research and individual use. Commercial use requires licensing through A. Zamora (Please use the e-mail address listed in the HOME PAGE). Commercial licenses may include consultation and maintenance.

The description below shows how to use the dynamic load library AZDICT.DLL from Visual Basic and C-Language applications.


The AZDICT.DLL supports six functions for managing access to the dictionaries. A 1200-byte area must be provided by the calling program for each dictionary that is used. AZDICT.DLL uses this area as a control block to keep pointers, switches, and other information needed during processing.
The six functions are:

  1. AZINIT - initialize variables, allocate dynamic areas, and open a dictionary file.
  2. AZLOOK - Lookup word in the dictionary. The number of paradigms is returned when the word is found. A word is defined as an alphabetic string not exceeding 40 characters that may contain embedded hyphens or apostrophes. The dictionaries do not contain strings with numbers and other punctuation marks. Hyphenated adjectives (e.g., fast-running) are also not included in the dictionaries. Keep these criteria in mind when isolating strings to match against the dictionary.
  3. AZAID - Provide spelling aid for misspelling. Make sure that a dictionary lookup has no matches before doing spelling aid, otherwise the word itself will be in the candidate list.
  4. AZPDG - Get paradigm for a word. A word may have one or more paradigms consisting of a Type Code (defined below) that contains a part of speech, and a set of related inflectional forms that constitute the paradigm. For example, the word stop has three paradigms: 1) a verb paradigm with the words stop, stops, stopped, stopping, stopped, 2) a noun paradigm with the words stop, stops, stop's, stops', and 3) an adjective paradigm with the single word stop. Some words, such as "lie", may have more than one paradigm for the same part of speech. A call to AZPDG must be preceded by a call to AZLOOK.
  5. AZPDG2 - Get all paradigm information for a word. This function provides the same information as AZPDG, but each word form is associated with a set of binary codes that define its grammatical attributes. The data is returned in a 5800-byte area formatted as specified in WORDINFO.H, below. The grammatical attributes are 3-byte binary codes also defined below. The word stops, as a verb, has the grammatical attribute 0x004180 which is the combination of Present, 3rd Person, and Singular. The word stop, as a verb, has three grammatical attribute codes: 0x008000 (Infinitive), 0x004680 (Present, 1st Person, 2nd Person, Singular), and 0x004740 (Present, 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person, Plural). A call to AZPDG2 must be preceded by a call to AZLOOK.
  6. AZTERM - Terminate processing, free all dynamic areas, close dictionary file.

These are the C-Language entry points and their parameters:
/* * Initialize dictionary, allocate dynamic areas * * * * * */
int azinit(char * cb, char * dicname);
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)         */
  /* dicname is the dictionary path name (63-byte maximum) */
  /* azinit returns 0 for normal completion, >0 otherwise        */

/* * Lookup word in dictionary  * * * * * */
int azlook(char * cb, char * word, char * wordinfo) ;
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)                         */
  /* word is the word to be looked-up (40 bytes)                                       */
  /* wordinfo is the information, if any, returned for the word (80 bytes)  */
  /* azlook returns the number of paradigms found, 0 otherwise             */
  /*        255 is returned if only word information is found                        */
  /*        word information is used for contractions such as "can't" that don't have paradigms */

/* * Provide spelling aid for misspelling* */
int azaid(char * cb, char * word, int * aidct, char * aidlst) ;
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)         */
  /* word is the word for which spelling candidates should be provided (40 bytes)  */
  /* aidct is the number of candidates returned (zero to six) */
  /* aidlst is an array of six 42-byte areas for candidates */
  /*    The first two bytes are the distance measure (binary), 40 bytes are for the aid candidate */
  /* azaid returns 0 for normal execution, >0 otherwise */

/* * Get paradigm for a word     * * * * * */
int azpdg(char * cb, int npdg, int * nforms, char * typc, char * forms);
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)         */
  /* npdg is the paradigm no. to be expanded */
  /* nforms is the number of paradigm forms returned */
  /* typc is the type code for the paradigm returned (6 bytes) */
  /* forms is the 9*60 array for the returned paradigm */

/* * Get all paradigm information for a word  * * * * * */
int azpdg2(char * cb, char * pdgdta) ;
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)         */
  /* pdgdta is a pointer to data structure (wordinfo.h) for output */
  /* NOTE: azlook must be called before calling azpdg2 */

/* * Terminate processing, free all dynamic areas * * * * */
int azterm(char * cb) ;
  /* cb is a control block used by azdict.dll (1200 bytes)         */
  /* azterm returns 0 for normal execution, >0 otherwise */


#define MAXPDGMS 9   /* Maximum paradigms for one word */
#define MAXFORM 9    /* Maximum word-forms per paradigm */
#define MAXMORPH 3   /* Maximum morphology attributes per word form */
struct wordinfo {
  char wd[40];        /* word looked up (null terminated string) */
  char pdgmct;        /* number of paradigms for the word */
  struct {            /* paradigm array for the word */
    char typcod[6];   /* paradigm type code */
    char formct;      /* number of word forms for current paradigm */
    struct {          /* word-form array for paradigm */
      char entry[60]; /* word-form entry (null-terminated string) */
      char attrct;    /* number of attribute masks for word-form entry */
      struct {
        char  attrmask[3]; /* grammatical attribute code */
      } wdattr[MAXMORPH];  /* attribute code entry for word form */
    } wdform[MAXFORM];   /* end word-form array for paradigm */
  } wdpdgm[MAXPDGMS];  /* end paradigm array for the word */
};  /* end wordinfo */

Grammatical Attribute Codes

Grammatical Attribute Codes are formed by the Logical OR of the following binary values.
0x008000 Infinitive
0x004000 Present
0x002000 Past
0x001000 Present participle
0x000800 Past participle
0x000400 First person
0x000200 Second person
0x000100 Third person
0x000080 Singular
0x000040 Plural
0x000020 Positive
0x000010 Comparative
0x000008 Superlative
0x000004 Possessive
0x000002 Masculine
0x000001 Feminine

Type codes

The last character of the type code is the part of speech. For FN, the "N" indicates that it is a noun.

V Verb
DV  Defective verb
MV Modal verb
N  Noun
MN  Masculine noun
FN Feminine noun
PN Plural noun
PMN Plural masculine noun
PFN Plural feminine noun
J Adjective
UJ Uninflected adjective
A Adverb
UA  Uninflected adverb
R  Preposition
I Interjection
ART Article
P Pronoun
USP  1st person singular pronoun
DSP 2nd person singular pronoun
DPP 2nd person plural pronoun
TMSP 3rd person masc. sing. pronoun
TFSP  3rd person fem. sing. pronoun
TPP  3rd person plural pronoun
TNSP 3rd person neuter singular pronouns with no nominal possessive form
UP Uninflected pronoun
DP  Demonstrative pronoun
QP Quantitative pronoun
IDP Indefinite pronoun
QPP Quantitative plural pronoun
PP Plural pronoun
URP Relative pronoun
UIP Uninflected interrogative pronoun
RP  Relative pronoun
TP  Relative pronoun 2
IP Interrogative pronoun
QCSP Quantitative pronoun

Special Note for Visual Basic Applications

The azdict.dll is a 32-bit program written in the C-Language and developed with MS Visual Studio. It has been tested successfully for Visual Basic 4 and 5. When you try to execute using the "RUN" command from the Visual Basic development environment you may get "Runtime error 48, Error in loading DLL" or "Runtime error 49, Bad DLL calling convention". You must generate an EXE file, and test by executing the EXE file (from the Windows RUN command or by double clicking the EXE file that you created). The azdict.dll and the dictionaries must be in the same directory where the EXE file resides. The disadvantage of running from the EXE is that you do not have the VB debugger to help you to trace errors in your code. For debugging, you have to use print statements or code dummy replacements for the azdict functions so that you can use the VB runtime debugger.

Visual Basic Declarations for AZDICT.DLL

' azinit initializes dictionary
Declare Function azinit Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte, _
  ByVal p2 As String) As Integer

' azlook does dictionary look-up
Declare Function azlook Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte, _
  ByVal p2 As String, _
  ByVal p3 As String) As Integer

' azaid gives aid candidates
Declare Function azaid Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte, _
  ByVal p2 As String, _
  ByRef i1 As Integer, _
  ByVal p3 As String) As Integer

' azpdg gives paradigm information
Declare Function azpdg Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte, _
  ByVal i1 As Integer, _
  ByRef i2 As Integer, _
  ByVal p2 As String, _
  ByVal p3 As String) As Integer

' azpdg2 returns paradigm information structure
Declare Function azpdg2 Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte, _
  ByRef p2 As Byte) As Integer
' azterm closes dictionary and frees dynamic areas
Declare Function azterm Lib "azdict" _
  (ByRef p1 As Byte) As Integer

Visual Basic Code Declarations

Dim CB(1200) As Byte
Dim wrd As String
Dim wrdinfo As String * 80
Dim aidlist As String * 252  ' 6*42
Dim aidct As Integer
Dim nopdg As Integer

Dim pdgmno As Integer
Dim noofent As Integer
Dim typcod As String * 6
Dim entries As String * 540  '9*60
Dim wd1(5800) As Byte  ' size of wordinfo.h

  ' Initialization
  dictpath = App.Path & "\usuk.dic"
  dictname = dictpath
    If Dir(dictname) = "" Then
      MsgBox "Did not find dictionary " & dictpath
    End If
    rc = azinit(CB(1), dictname)
    If rc > 0 Then
      MsgBox "Invalid dictionary " & dictpath
    End If
    ' Successful initialization
Dictionary Lookup

In addition to checking the dictionaries provided, your program may need to check a plain text addendum dictionary that you create or update during spelling aid. The addendum dictionary contains words not found in any of the dictionaries accessed by AZLOOK.

  ' Dictionary lookup
  nopdg = 0
  nopdg = azlook(CB(1), wrd, wrdinfo)
  If nopdg > 0 Then
    ' Text2.Text = "Word matched" & vbCrLf & "number of paradigms=" & nopdg
    If nopdg = 255 Then
      Label3.Caption = "Information: " & wrdinfo
      Label3.Caption = "Number of paradigms = " & nopdg
      ' display all paradigms
      ' Call the morphology subroutine II
      rc = azpdg2(CB(1), wd1(1))
      If rc = 0 Then  ' display paradigm(s)
        Call DecodeWordInfo
      End If
    End If
    ' The word was not found.
    ' Lookup word in another dictionary initialized with a different control block.
    ' Lookup in your plain text addendum dictionary.
    ' Do spelling aid if all the lookups failed.
  End If

Spelling Aid

When using more than one dictionary, use arrays to store the words and the distance values returned by spelling aid. Check every candidate from the second dictionary against the array before adding a word. This eliminates duplicate words that may occur due to overlap in the contents of the dictionaries. Also, using arrays makes it possible to rank the combined list of aid candidates by decreasing similarity using the distance value returned by spelling aid.

A general dictionary may match 98% of the words in typical text. The remaining words may be misspellings, but they are also likely to be infrequent words, abbreviations or proper names not included in the dictionary. You can create an addendum dictionary (a plain text file) where you can save words that are not in the dictionary but that the user of your program considers to be correct. A good spelling aid interface offers the user a list of aid candidates, but it also offers a choice to add words to an addendum dictionary.

  ' Spelling aid 
  Dim aidct As Integer
  Dim totaid As Integer
  Dim c1 As String
  Dim dist(12) As Integer
  Dim aidwd(12) As String

  aidct = 0
  totaid = 0
  If sw1 = 1 Then ' First dictionary 
    aidlist = String(252, 32)  ' set aidlist to blanks
    rc = azaid(CB(1), wrd, aidct, aidlist)
    If aidct > 0 Then
      ' totaid = aidct
      For i = 1 To aidct
        c1 = Mid(aidlist, 1 + ((i - 1) * 42), 1)
        i1 = Asc(c1)
        c1 = Mid(aidlist, 2 + ((i - 1) * 42), 1)
        i1 = i1 * 256 + Asc(c1)
        ' i1 contains the distance value of the aid candidate
        wrk = Mid(aidlist, 3 + ((i - 1) * 42), 40)
        wd = ""
        For j = 1 To 40
          c1 = Mid(wrk, j, 1)
          If c1 = Chr(0) Then Exit For
          wd = wd & c1
        Next j
        totaid = totaid + 1
        dist(totaid) = i1  ' add distance to array
        aidwd(totaid) = wd ' add spelling candidate to array
      Next i
    End If
  End If
  ' At this point AZAID may be invoked for another dictionary

  If totaid = 0 Then
    List1.AddItem "No similar words"
    ' Sort entries by decreasing distance 
    ' this is only needed when two dictionaries are used
    For i = 1 To totaid - 1
      For j = i + 1 To totaid
        If dist(i) > dist(j) Then
          dist(0) = dist(j)
          aidwd(0) = aidwd(j)
          dist(j) = dist(i)
          aidwd(j) = aidwd(i)
          dist(i) = dist(0)
          aidwd(i) = aidwd(0)
        End If
      Next j
    Next i
    ' Display aid candidates
    For i = 1 To totaid
      List1.AddItem aidwd(i)
    Next i
  End If

  ' Terminate dictionary processing, free dynamic areas
rc = azterm(CB(1))

Decoding Grammatical Codes
' This subroutine decodes the morphology data structure
' The subroutine assumes that wd1() is a Byte array containing
'   the structure data and that the output is to be decoded in
'   text2.
Sub DecodeWordInfo()
  Dim c1 As String
  NL = vbCrLf
  Text2.Visible = False  ' suppress flashing during update
  Text2.Text = "Word: "
  Text2.Font.Bold = False
  tmp = ""
  For i = 1 To 40
    If Asc(Chr(wd1(i))) <> 0 Then
      tmp = tmp & Chr(wd1(i))
    End If
  Next i
  Text2.Text = Text2.Text & tmp
  Text2.Text = Text2.Text & NL

  i1 = 41  'current position
  pdgmct = wd1(i1)
  i1 = i1 + 1
  'Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "pdgmct=" & pdgmct & NL 
  For ix1 = 1 To pdgmct  'for each paradigm
    typecode = ""
    pos = ""
    For i = 1 To 6
      If Asc(Chr(wd1(i1))) <> 0 Then
        typecode = typecode & Chr(wd1(i1))
        pos = Mid(typecode, i, 1)
      End If
      i1 = i1 + 1
    Next i
    If pos = "V" Then
      tmp = "Verb"
    ElseIf pos = "N" Then
      tmp = "Noun"
    ElseIf pos = "I" Then
      tmp = "Interjection"
    ElseIf pos = "R" Then
      tmp = "Preposition"
    ElseIf pos = "C" Then
      tmp = "Conjunction"
    ElseIf pos = "J" Then
      tmp = "Adjective"
    ElseIf pos = "A" Then
      tmp = "Adverb"
    ElseIf pos = "P" Then
      tmp = "Pronoun"
    ElseIf pos = "T" Then
      tmp = "Article"
      tmp = pos
    End If
    Text2.Text = Text2.Text & NL & "=====  "
    Text2.Text = Text2.Text & tmp & " (" & typecode
    Text2.Text = Text2.Text & ")"
    Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "  =====" & NL
    formct = wd1(i1)
    i1 = i1 + 1
    'Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "formct=" & formct & NL
    For ix2 = 1 To 9 ' for each word form
      If ix2 <= formct Then
        wdform = ""
        For i = 1 To 60
         If Asc(Chr(wd1(i1))) <> 0 Then
           wdform = wdform & Chr(wd1(i1))
         End If
         i1 = i1 + 1
        Next i
        Text2.Text = Text2.Text & wdform
        Text2.Text = Text2.Text & NL
        attrct = wd1(i1)
        i1 = i1 + 1
        'Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "attrct=" & attrct & NL 
        For ix3 = 1 To 3  ' for every attribute entry
          If ix3 <= attrct Then
            mask = ""
            maskval = 0
            For i = 1 To 3  ' 3-byte attribute mask
              tmp = Hex(wd1(i1))
              j = wd1(i1)
              If Len(tmp) < 2 Then
                tmp = "0" & tmp
              End If
              mask = mask & tmp
              i1 = i1 + 1
              maskval = maskval * 256 + j
            Next i
            'Text2.Text = Text2.Text & "  " & mask & NL
            If maskval > 0 Then
            tmp = "  "
            If (maskval And &H8000) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Infinitive "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H4000) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Present "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H2000) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Past "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H1000) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Present Participle "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H800) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Past Participle "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H700) = &H700 Then
              tmp = tmp & "1st,2nd,3rd_Person "
              If (maskval And &H600) = &H600 Then
                tmp = tmp & "1st,2nd_Person "
                If (maskval And &H400) > 0 Then
                  tmp = tmp & "1st_Person "
                End If
                If (maskval And &H200) > 0 Then
                  tmp = tmp & "2nd_Person "
                End If
                If (maskval And &H100) > 0 Then
                  tmp = tmp & "3rd_Person "
                End If
              End If
            End If
            If (maskval And &H80) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Singular "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H40) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Plural "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H20) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Positive "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H10) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Comparative "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H8) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Superlative "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H4) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Possessive "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H2) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Masculine "
            End If
            If (maskval And &H1) > 0 Then
              tmp = tmp & "Feminine "
            End If
            Text2.Text = Text2.Text & tmp & NL
            End If ' maskval > 0
            i1 = i1 + 3 '3 bytes for each mask entry
          End If
        Next ix3
        i1 = i1 + 70  '70 bytes for each form entry
      End If
    Next ix2 ' next word form
  Next ix1 ' next paradigm
  Text2.Visible = True
End Sub

Example of C-Language Spelling Aid Using Two Dictionaries.
/* C-Language Driver for Spelling Aid with two dictionaries  */
/* 06/19/2002 - A. Zamora */

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wordinfo.h"

/* prototypes for dictionary interface */
extern int azinit(char * cb, char * dicname);
extern int azlook(char * cb, char * word, char * wordinfo);
extern int azaid(char * cb, char * word, int *aidct, char * aidlst);
extern int azpdg2(char * cb, char * pdgdta);
extern int azterm(char * cb);

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
 int   i, j, rci;
 char  moword[40]; /* word for which morphology is needed */
 char  wdinfo[40]; 
 char  *p1, *p2;

 /* Variables for dictvb (usuk.dic & medical.dic) */
 char  CB1[1200];  /* usuk.dic dictionary control block */
 char  CB2[1200];  /* medical.dic dictionary control block */
 int   look1rc, look2rc;
 int   aid1rc, aid2rc;

#define  ADLEN 42
 int   aidct1;
 char  aidlst1[6][ADLEN];  /* 2-byte distance, 40-byte aid candidate */
 int   aidct2;
 char  aidlst2[6][ADLEN];  /* 2-byte distance, 40-byte aid candidate */

 char  usukpath[64];
 char  medpath[64];
 int   totaid;
 char  mergedaid[12][ADLEN]; /* Merged aid list for 2 dictionaries */


 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
 /* initialize control block  */
 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 rci = azinit(CB1, usukpath);
 if (rci > 0) {
  printf("%s Dictionary could not be initialized.\n",usukpath);

 rci = azinit(CB2, medpath);
 if (rci > 0) {
  printf("%s Dictionary could not be initialized.\n",medpath);
  rci = azterm(CB1); /* terminate dictionary 1 */

 /* start interactive loop */
 printf("\nInput a word, or 0 <ENTER> to quit.\n\n");
 rci = scanf("%s", &moword);

 while (rci == 1){
  if (moword[0] == '0' || moword[0] == '\0') break;

  /* Do a lookup in 1st dictionary (USUK)   */
  look1rc = azlook(CB1, moword, wdinfo);
  /* azlook returns the number of paradigms found, 0 otherwise */
  /*    255 is returned if only word information is found */
  if (look1rc == 255) {
   printf("==> %s\n", wdinfo);
  else { /* look1rc != 255 */
   if (look1rc == 0) {
    /* Word was not found in USUK dictionary */
    /* Do a lookup in 2nd dictionary (MEDICAL)  */
    look2rc = azlook(CB2, moword, wdinfo);
    if (look2rc == 255) {
     printf("==> %s\n", wdinfo);
    else { /* look2rc != 255 */
     if (look2rc == 0) {
      /* Word was not found in Medical dictionary either. */
      printf("Lookup - no match found.\n");

      /* Get aid candidates from USUK dictionary */
      p1 = &(aidlst1[0][0]);
      aid1rc = azaid(CB1, moword, &aidct1, p1);
      /* azaid returns 0 for normal execution, >0 otherwise */
      if (aid1rc == 0) {
       totaid = 0;
       /* copy USUK aid candidates to merged aid list */
       for (i=0; i<aidct1; i++) {
        /* note: memcpy is used because distance may have nulls */
      }  /* aid1rc == 0 */

      /* Get aid candidates from Medical dictionary */
      p1 = &(aidlst2[0][0]);
      aid2rc = azaid(CB2, moword, &aidct2, p1);
      /* azaid returns 0 for normal execution, >0 otherwise */
      if (aid2rc == 0) {
       /* Process medical dictionary aid candidates */
       for (i=0; i<aidct2; i++) {
        p1 = aidlst2[i];
        /* compare against candidates from USUK dictionary */
        for (j=0; j<aidct1; j++) {
         p2 = aidlst1[j];
         if (strcmp(p1+2,p2+2) == 0)
          goto duplicate;  /* avoid duplicates */
        /* Add candidate to merged aid list */
duplicate: ;
      }  /* aid2rc == 0 */

      if (totaid > 0) {
       /* Sort merged aid list in increasing distance */
       /* Use aidlist1[0] for temporary storage */
       for (i=0; i<totaid-1; i++) {
        p1 = mergedaid[i];
        for (j=i+1; j<totaid; j++) {
         p2 = mergedaid[j];
         if (strncmp(p1,p2,2) > 0) {
          /* exchange entries */

       /* Display aid candidates */
       printf("%d Aid Candidates:\n", totaid);
       for (i=0; i<totaid; i++) {
        p1 = mergedaid[i];
        printf(" %s\n", p1+2);
      else {
       printf("No aid candidates.\n");
     } /* look2rc == 0 */
     else { /* look2rc > 0*/
      printf("Word was found in MEDICAL.DIC\n");
     } /* look2rc > 0*/
    } /* look2rc != 255 */
   }  /* look1rc == 0 */
   else { /* look1rc > 0 */
    /* the word was found */
    printf("Word was found in USUK.DIC\n");
   } /* look1rc > 0  */
  } /* look1rc != 255 */

  printf("\nInput a word, or 0 <ENTER> to quit.\n\n");

  rci = scanf("%s", &moword);

 }  /* input loop while (rci == 1) */

 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
 /* Terminate dictionary access */ 
 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
 rci = azterm(CB1);
 rci = azterm(CB2);

 return (rci);
}  /* end main */

© Copyright  - Antonio Zamora